Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

Last night I felt sick. Very very sick. Headache, muscle pain, fatigue, abdominal cramps, nausea, and so forth. I was up throughout most of the night. After a total of 4 hours of sleep pieced together here and there, I am sitting up in bed, typing away, as I couldn't waste another minute trying to sleep. Symptoms are less severe but still very much alive and kicking. I'm bummed I feel this way and am not having my special Allie day today. Blerg. James... well he is James and thinks people shouldn't call ofo work unless they are on their deathbed, so he is likely a bit grumpy with my being home. I'm currently alternating between grumbling at God and then just laughing at my life.

I'm unsure how this happened. There is a pretty good chance it's from an unfortunate raw chicken cutting board/knife meets innocent veggies incident on Sunday night. After reading and talking to some friends, I am aware there is also a good chance my body flipped out from stress of my upcoming surgery, since I have not let my brain do that yet. I don't want to mope, or wallow, or anything of that sort. However, I think it would be good to slow down today, to take in everything that is happening. I need to momentarily mourn the things that deep down I'm sad about. I still need to process the fear that I have going into this next season. As I said to a friend last night, even David yelled at God. I'm sorry God, I know you have a plan, but today I plan to let you know I neither understand, nor do I like it. In the end I will trust it, but today I merely ask "WHY"?

Despite what I have said above, I again feel the need to explain why these are still some of the best of times:
1. Even though I feel like I am a bit of a burden right now, I have a wonderful job that I love
2. James has begun his last year in the this Brandeis program. He is doing well and next year is looking promising. Also, he is a truly great husband. Also, I think with some practice he could be America's Favorite Dancer. Triple Threat!
3. I live in Boston. Need I say more?
4. I have far better friends than I need or deserve. They are kind, generous, thoughtful, and I love them very much
5. Thanks to the internet, the Muppets are available to make me laugh anytime I need

And that's only the beginning...

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