Wednesday, September 8, 2010

FMLTW (this week)

I am pretty sure that I should never have admitted to being able to see the positive side of things. I feel like ever since I publicly expressed those words, the world has taken that as a challenge. Tumor is mocking me. I got crazy sick and had to call off on one of the worst days possible. Today was my first day back after both the announcement of the tumor and having to call off. This is the day that Kate decides that it would be a good idea to step onto my ankle (precisely over my tumor), and then proceed to launch off of it. I now have to spend the next few days icing, taking it as easy as possible, and then hoping the pain goes away by Monday. If not, I have to get more x-rays and make sure the weight didn't cause a fracture or anything else and have to move up my surgery. That has no silver lining.

What I need now is people to tell me funny stories, send me funny pictures, or remind me that my birthday might actually be fun this year. On that note, I found out the museum we are going to on my birthday has free wheelchairs. Lame, but completely awesome. No pain on my big day. :) Yay!

And now something to make us all smile:

I think I need to call on him to help me out tomorrow!

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