I am happy to be doing this again, and also VERY excited it was not self portrait. I have a feeling I will only attempt that again if I am doing photography full time. This means that I will have the equipment and flexible time to produce images that are worth the year. :) Don't get me wrong, I loved the last project, but without the time and the gear, it wouldn't be worthwhile. We had our first group theme yesterday (suit up!), and I was reminded how much I love themes! Especially seeing everybody's interpretations. The one thing holding back my creativity is the temperature of this beautiful but freezing city. I prefer using natural light, but I also prefer keeping my toes from falling off! :0) I guess I can see this as a challenge... figure out how to work with what I have, find natural reflectors, etc... but I wouldn't mind a warm day! Note: I did not say sunny day. We get plenty of sunny days, but it will still be 17* out! It baffles the mind.
On a completely different topic... my husband is a gigantic nerd. This was in no way brought on by him prancing around as I typed. Nor was that inspired by the number of silly things he has said since I woke up this morning. :)
What Is Multimeter
9 months ago
lets do more themes! I am all about it! Especially when this becomes harder as the year goes on... I missed out on suit up, because I don't watch HIMYM!
And also a little more warning! hahaha! But I enjoyed seeing everyones!
Yeah, it was a spur of the moment idea. :)
I say we pick a theme in February. By that time, we will need something fresh! Colors are good themes... that could be one to start with :)
first february theme is on feb 2. LOST. go.
Ooooo.... good but rough.
Can I make Igor be the polar bear!
Should it be a week long theme, or one day?
Oh my gosh. Did you photoshop in the wall posters, or do you actually have those in your house??
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