Here is what has been keeping me entertained as of late...
Here is the most recent update on my 2008 reading list...
Angela's Ashes
Killing yourself to live
High Fidelity (reread)
A Thousand splendid suns
Chronicles of Narnia 4-7 (Prince Caspian, Voyage of the Dawn treader, silver chair, last battle)
Catch me if you can (reread)
Grapes of Wrath
East of Eden (sooooooooooooooo good)
Currently reading:
Anna Karenina
3 cups of tea
The Secret Garden (reread, but I barely remember it from my childhood)
The Canal House
I had forgotten how much I enjoy feeling a bass drum as if it were beating deep in my own heart. While I have never stopped enjoying live music, I have not been able to partake in it much in the recent year, and have felt my passion for it dwindle. I find it fitting that I could feel the love of a live band come back alive in me while enjoying a small and barely known group called Enation. I saw them with friends at the Whisky a go-go. While I enjoy their cd, their performance was incredible. It wasn't a high energy "show", but rather this intriguing intensity given off by the singer. Stephanie described him best with her comparison to Jeremy Enigk... something about the way he sang forced you to just stop, look, and listen.
Glorious. I was mesmerized.
Here is what I'm watching:
Heroes (sylar. david anders. plots becoming enjoyable again. so happy), OTH (laugh all you want, it is fantastical), Gossip Girl (oh manhattan), LIpstick Jungle (I wouldnt compare it to Sex and the City, but I like it), The Office (what needs to be said), Greys (has potential to be good again, but I need them to prove it).
I mostly just watch online. I still miss my tivo
Wait... are there movies being made still? I never get to go anymore. SO sad. I need to utilize netflix more.
So there we go.
oh... and how could I forget my greatest form of entertainment
we are fun :)
What Is Multimeter
9 months ago
Man, I need to pick up the pace on my reading. I've only read like, three or four books since graduating. Shameful.
Once Netflix instant play works on Macs, I'm gonna be watching movies like mad.
I know! They need to get with it! My mac feels left out
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