Monday, August 30, 2010

Music Mondays- respect his authoritah!

‎"I think that parents only get so offended by television because they rely
on it as a babysitter and the sole educator of their kids." - Trey Parker and Matt Stone, Creators of South Park

Monday, August 23, 2010

Music Mondays- Rain Rain, don't go away

I love rainy weather. I have said it a hundred times, but there is something about a grey sky that brings me joy. It should be no surprise that one of my favorite artists to provide a soundtrack to a drizzling day is the fabulous David Gray. I have played him for you all before, however, considering the weather and my broken heart over missing him live last week(tear/groan/sigh), it seems the time has come to revisit his lovely music.

I try to not repeat artists frequently, so I have added a bonus song, that also is fitting with the wet, the calm, and the joy of my day. I adore Priscilla Ahn. I saw her open for Alexi Murdoch a few years back, and she is enchanting on stage.

Whose music embodies your feelings towards a rainy day?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How to have a successful lazy afternoon/evening

1. Put on yoga clothes (stretchy and comfy!)
2. Read the funnies
3. Given James a hug
4. Eat ice cream while watching Haven
5. Tell James he should really make the dinner tonight!
6. Eat dinner.
7. Convince James to massage my shoulder
8. Finish watching Haven while uploading most recent photoshoot
9. Check Facebook
10. Chat online
11. Edit photos while watching 30 Rock.
12. Get more hugs
13. Upload photos while watching MORE 30 Rock. :)
14. Listen to David Gray
15. Go to bed!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Music mondays- return from vacation!

I took the day off from life on Monday, and it was greatly needed. I had originally planned to post videos by both Ray Lamontagne and David Gray this afternoon, as I had tickets to see them in concert tonight. However, life took over, and I made the painfully responsible choice of selling them. I ended up with a hefty profit, so that is encouraging. My night was spent chatting with friends over beers at the local pub. Not too shabby. I know this concert will never come around again, but I am learning to be content in life as I try to be a good steward. I find myself frustrated these months of letting go of many special plans. However, I trust that things will improve. Until then, I can be content with the simple joys in life. Like Cookies.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Music Mondays- Mixed Feelings

While I typically am not a fan of the content of his lyrics, I don't think it can be denied that Eminem is extremely talented. His most recently album even seems a bit more mature (so far). I like his most recent single, Love the Way you Lie. I feel that is breaks down the thought process of many couples who are stuck in abusive relationships, and I respect that. However, I am disappointed when I think of how many people do not see that this is a message about how damaging they are. Eminem and Rihanna are not naive... they know more people will buy the record because of the "sick hook" and are aware of how many people will use this song to identify with the reality of abusive relationships in unhealthy ways. So are they really teaching people about the dangers of abusive relationships, or are they irresponsible in their handling of this song and glorifying the subject? I understand that Rihanna wants to send a message about Domestic Violence, but her lyrics/the TITLE of the song are the only words many people pay attention to, and are the most misleading... I like the way it hurts, I love the way you lie... This is what I take issue with. While I agree Eminem "cleverly breaks down the cycle of violence "(rihanna), it is the hook and the beat that set the tone for listeners. They will hear Eminem say "Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk", but not catch that he intentionally raises his voice to a disgruntled yell as he says it. Somehow the admittance to lying in his apologies is taken as something he does out of a twisted love, rather than the character simply being twisted and disturbed.

Overall I think this is a great song. Do I think Eminem was being apologetic and thoughtful in writing it? Sure. Do I think he intended to write in a way that would provide instant buzz, and was aware of the ramifications of this song in the hands of his more ignorant fans? Of course. I love it for the music and the conversation it can bring about. I hope that enough women who need to be free of Domestic Violence will have someone who can use this as a tool to speak some wisdom & compassion into their lives.

On another note... I don't like seeing my hobbit in the role of abusive bf. Also, I judge myself just a little for thinking he still looks hot. ;) Drop the booze and pick up a jar of peanut butter Charlie!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Music Mondays- No regrets

I love this song:

Which reminds me, I need to watch this movie again soon: