Sweet Lordy, I need to post other than these updates! I love how full life is right now, but man I want to chill and write out my thoughts. Buuut in the meantime... here is the update.
A few changes are actually being made to my list.
1. I have realized that my ankle can't even handle light jogging right
now, so the 5k goal was not doing much for my health. I have decided that my new goal is to get to my pre-surgery weight, which would put me back at a healthy BMI. I joined a gym so I can cycle, swim with the girls, and use my wii fit. I feel much better about having a realistic fitness goal... though I'm sad every time I see people running.
2. I set the camping goal at Harbor Islands just because I wanted to make sure to go camping, and those islands were them most easily accessible. However, James & I decided to do one better, and will spending 3 days on a lake in Maine next week. :) Books, kayaks, food, James. Ahhhhh bliss. I can't wait to decompress.
I'm happy to say that I got to pull off my own surprise. :) I have always associated Paul Simon with my dad, so when I found out Paul was playing live in Boston, I knew I had to try to go. The show was sold out, but I found someone who online who was selling them, and traded them for portraits of her adorable dog... great trade! The show... was... phenomenal! Paul is a true musician, and it was so special to surprise my dad in such a meaningful way.

I have checked off another coffeeshop. The girls love coffee/chocolate milk dates, and we had time to spare, so we headed over to
Equal Exchange Cafe. Their London Fog is divine. :)
Lastly, I got my TOMS finally. :) I've been torn because I wanted yellow ones (yellow shoes are the best). I also wanted a pair of boat shoes, but couldn't afford those as well as TOMS. The, they put out their new spring line... which included yellow boat style shoes. Holla!!!
My fantabulous friend Bonny is visiting next week. I'm hoping she will be open to checking off a Boston walk or 2... particularly the North End Pastry Walk. Mmmmm. Yum.
2. Drink a cold Sam Adams while looking at a"cold" Sam Adams
3. Go to Wilmington and take cheesy photos :)
4. Take the trolley to Doyle's
5. Attend an author signing
6. Skate at Frog Pond
7. Work through my french text book
8. Attend one of Boston's quirky brunch options
9. Check a new state off the list (virginia beach)
10. Complete the Independent coffeeshops of Boston list (9 down, 4 to go)
11. Hug James as much as possible!
12. Decide my next career path
13. See Grace Potter & the Nocturnals in concert
14. Get to my pre-surgery weight/BMI
15. Photograph the Polar plunge
16. Send more letters and cards
17. Own a pair of TOMS
18. Cook Julia Childs Poulet au Porto with Artichokes & hollandaise sauce (successfully)
19. Sing along with Carols by Candlelight at Trinity church
20. Watch the Godfather trilogy
21. Surprise someone
22. Take the girls to the Zoo (it keeps eluding us)
23. Enjoy a trip with James that does not involve work, school, or anybody we know!
24. Learn how to whistle loudly
25. Make good use of my library card
26. Swim in Walden Pond
27. Spot a classic Boston celebrity
28. Camp @ Rangeley Lake (Maine)
29. Complete the Walks of Greater Boston list (one more completed, a few to go).
30. Be tumor free!